Are you trying to verify your Google AdSense Address via a PIN (PIN Verification)? Well then you must have a lot of questions about it! In that case, I have prepared this post for you and shared my personal experience about it as well!
We all know it's hard to receive PIN from Google AdSense sometimes, due to regional issues and local Post Office issues, not to mention the wrong Address problem. So below you will learn how you can Verify AdSense Address Without PIN in 2020 Quarantine. And don't worry. I won't waste your time with things you already know, like How to verify AdSense Address with PIN or How long does it take for the AdSense PIN letter to arrive.
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Why am I not receiving the PIN from Google AdSense?
This could be caused by either a wrong address set up in your Payments Settings, in which case you can change it before requesting another PIN. If your address is correct, then maybe there is a technical problem with the delivery. You may want to visit your local Post Office and inform them about the issue so they can help you. In my case, I couldn't receive the PIN because the Post Office guy said he used to receive these PINs before but since (Covid 19) March 2020, he hasn't got any due to Lockdown situation. I waited more than 4 months for it but none of the PINs arrived. In which case, you can verify the Address via an alternative method, explained below.
How To Verify AdSense Address Without PIN?
So luckily, there is a way to verify the PIN without receiving the letter (mail). And that is using any Government Issued document that has your name and address (as it appears on your AdSense Payment settings). Here is what you can submit as Proof of Address: Official documents accepted as proof of identity.
Once you have the document ready, you can proceed to next step. However, this will only work in some countries and you should only do this after you have received the maximum of 4 PINs and it has been 30 days or more since your last PIN request.
Log In to your Google AdSense account on a desktop computer. You should see the PIN Verification box on home page.

Click on the Menu icon (three dots) withing the PIN verification box. Then click Help.

Under Having problems with your PIN, click PIN troubleshooter.

Once you do that, you will be asked a few questions. Complete these (usually 3 questions).

Once that's done, you should see an option to Contact them as shown below. In which case, click Contact Us.

You will get a form on the next page, asking for information as follows. Fill in the right information. For the document upload section, you will need to upload a PDF file containing two images: front and back side of your government issued ID card or one of the supported documents as proof of address. BEFORE you submit the form, IMPORTANT: make sure your name and address EXACTLY match with ones on your AdSense account. Submit the form ONLY when everything is set, you will only have one shot at this most likely.

That's it. You should receive an email confirming the address verification on your AdSense account!

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